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Overboard Blog

Living the extraordinary life of faith!

Filtering by Tag: be nice

The least of these...


I just got done with a crazy travel adventure that involved three rental cars, unexpected overnight stays, three legs of flight through five airports and a through-the-night drive in order to make my destination. I had a great time ministering God’s Word to a receptive audience, as well as some quality time connecting with some old friends. All things considered, it was a good trip. During one particular leg of the trip, I was reminded of Jesus’ words to His followers: “And whatever you do, even to the least of these, you do to me.” The “least of these” was a reference to people who were not always looked after in society. Some were prisoners, some were sick, some were probably just down and out; old, homeless or lonely.

As I was changing my tickets for the third time, I walked passed two elderly ladies sitting in wheel chairs right by the ticket counter. They seemed set and taken care of, so I didn’t give them a second thought. When I came back through the line for the fourth ticket change, they were still there, but this time, there was a young woman sitting at their feet.

I didn’t think much of it until I realized she was on the phone, talking to the airlines on their behalf. I found out that these two ladies had been sitting at the desk for five hours (five hours!) waiting to get help with their tickets. Since they were both in wheel chairs, they couldn’t get to the front of the line, and they were both too kind to be pushy.

After five hours, one kind woman who was in the same flight-delaying weather pattern we were all in, asked them, “Do you ladies need any help?” That’s all it took. For the next thirty minutes, she set aside her own travel problems and focused on helping these two elderly women get to their doctors appointments in Boston.

In all the chaos of the moment, I paused to realize: “I didn’t even think once about helping these women.” It’s not that I even could have, but I probably could have helped them get to the ticket counter, I could have created awareness for the airline employees or at the very least, I could have said, “Hi, how are you doing today?”

But I didn’t.

In the focus I had over my own circumstances, I didn’t take the time to look outward and see the circumstances of others. After all, I had a flight to catch (which ended up being canceled), cars to rent and a speaking engagement to make. But at the end of the day, I would have ended up at the same destination, at the same time, through the same crazy route whether I had helped them or not. I’m confident of this: I would have felt better about my day if I had accomplished something productive through all of the craziness.

How often do you stop and pause, and look around at the world near you? How often do you try to engage the needs of others as you are going through life? Sometimes I think I’m guilty of compartmentalizing need-meeting. In other words, I go through my day, and meeting the needs of others is scheduled from 4:15-4:27, and I check it off the list. But what about the needs of those we cross throughout the day?

It reminds me of another blog I wrote about a time I did stop and help out -- two homeless guys coming through Salem. Both days were busy. Both days were a bit chaotic. One day I paused, one day I didn’t.

Let’s not get so focused trying to live the Overboard Life, that we forget to actually…live the Overboard Life.

Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water!


Please be kind...rewind.


"Please be kind…Rewind." If you recognize that saying, then you’ve rented a VHS tape from Blockbuster, Hollywood or some other video rental store. Wouldn’t you have loved to see a Redbox dispenser back in the day? The thing would have been the size of a small RV and would have had 3 people inside dispensing tapes!

And back then, when you rented your VHS movie and took it home, inside many of the cases was that little sticker that read: Please be kind…rewind. Why? Because there weren’t many things worse than opening up a tape after you got it home, and having to rewind the stupid thing before you could watch it! In our house, that was especially torturous, because we didn’t have one of those fancy rewind devices that a lot of our friends had. We actually had to put in the VCR and wait an excruciatingly long period of time for the rewind to be complete. *


In reality, rewinding wasn’t really that big of an inconvenience. It took some time, but it didn’t involve any expense or extra equipment. If you had a VCR (which seems obvious since you just rented a VHS!), you had enough tools to rewind the movie. It was really just a matter of being kind for the next user.

I wonder how many acts of kindness you and I could perform each day, if we just thought about the next person. Would we clean up our work space better? Would we wipe up that little coffee spill? Would you abuse the hotel room or rental car like “it’s not yours” if you were thinking about who was next? (Yes honey…I’ll put the seat down!) Paul said it this way: "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else" (1 Thessalonians 5:15).

Today, think about the next person in line. How could you show kindness and give a blessing to a family member, close friend or a total stranger? Here are four simple ideas:

  1. Pay for the coffee or fast-food order of the person behind you.
  2. Leave your workspace cleaner than when you inherited it.
  3. Wash those dirty dishes in the sink before going to bed.
  4. Stack all your plates at the restaurant after your meal.

What are some other ways you could think of the one after you? How could you “Be kind…rewind” and make some one else’s day? Give us some more ideas in the comments!

Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water!

* For those of you too young to know what I’m talking about, check out this video:
