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Overboard Blog

Living the extraordinary life of faith!

The Lord is Near

Joseph Castaneda


God is close!

Have you ever felt isolated and alone? I don't mean physically alone (though that may be part), but I mean that type of loneliness that a person can feel even if they are in a room crowded with people. Have you ever felt that?

It's the kind of isolation that can leave you feeling hopeless, feeling like no one understands what you are experiencing or feeling, and ultimately, that there may be no answers or help coming. It's having a heart broken at the deepest level and being intimately aware of what it's like to have a spirit that has been crushed by a friend, an enemy, a job, a spouse, a parent or even a church. It is an awful feeling.

If you are in that space today, I want to offer you a precious reminder from God's Holy Word: The Lord is close.

The promise from Psalm 34:18 is as precious a promise one can have in seasons of absolute despair and utter loss. God is near, and He loves us no matter what condition we find ourselves in. 

If you are in a season of isolation, if you are feeling brokenhearted and crushed, will you let us join with you in prayer? Will you pass along a request so that we can pray Psalm 34:18 over you and your situation? (

We may not have any comforting words or help to provide, but we know our God is near, and we will pray on your behalf for His nearness to be felt in your life.

The Lord is near!

Would You Like a Little Anxiety with That?

Joseph Castaneda


Do. Not.

I enjoy many Bible commands, because they have a more direct impact on me personally. You know, "Wives submit to your husbands" and "Children obey your parents" are great, because I reap the reward of those. (I hope the sarcasm is coming through loud and clear. Ha!) But then there are commands that are equally clear, but far less enjoyable. At least, less enjoyable at the outset.

For example, "Do not be anxious about anything..."

The problem is that the text is pretty clear: "Do not be anxious." This command can't be misunderstood as some loose guideline Paul is giving us, or some principle that is negotiable so that anxiousness can be excused as a cultural construct of Paul's day, or that Paul is waxing eloquently on what is best for us though it would be acceptable to choose another path. No, the command is plain: [You] do NOT be anxious.

Then, as if to further clarify that which is pretty clear already, God had Paul add, "...about anything..." to the context. Not only are we not supposed to anxious, but just to be clear, we are not to be anxious about anything!

As Traci and I were gearing up to leave our paid position at New Hope Community Church, and facing the reality of finishing up our personal support raising while also trying to help find $225,000 to purchase and remodel a bowling alley, there certainly were opportunities to be anxious. I wish I could tell you that I passed all those tests with flying colors, but when I woke one morning at 3:29, finances were already on my mind.

I laid in bed for several minutes pondering a few strategies and ideas and immediately my mind went racing toward anxiousness when this verse popped in to my mind. "Do not be anxious about anything..." (that's the hard part), "...but in everything, with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (that's the solution).

Let me encourage you today, give your anxieties, your worries and your fears over to the only One who can take them away. Put Philippians 4:6 to practice. Memorize it. Pray it. And every time you begin to feel anxious, even at 3:29am, let this verse beat your worries away.

At the outset, "don't be anxious" is not a fun or easy command to follow, but when I turn my anxiousness over to the Lord, I'm always grateful for His strength that allows me to be obedient. What worries do you need to hand over to Him today?

Everything We Need

Joseph Castaneda



It's an extraordinary truth that God sent His perfect Son, to be the perfect Sacrifice, to pay the price for sins He did not commit. And having paid that price, God then opens the doorway to heaven so that you and I can enter into a relationship with Him, through faith in His Son's offering. If the story ended there, we would have nothing for which to complain or any ground from which to demand or request more.

Amazingly, the story doesn't end there!

Not only does God bridge the gap that allows us to enter into relationship with Him, but then within that relationship He gives us "everything we need" to live a godly life that is pleasing TO Him, and rewarded BY Him. He doesn't just want us to be saved from our sinful condition, He wants us to flourish in life as we cling to Him.

So whatever is happening in your life today, whether you are experiencing the joyful view from the top of the mountain, or you're feeling the cold angst of being trapped in the valley of the shadow of death, remember that all you need is at your disposal. Cling to Jesus and find Him sufficient to make your joy greater or to shine a light in the darkness.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Joseph Castaneda



As we continue to invest full-time in students here in Kalkaska county, we are reminded that we must make a conscious effort to fix our eyes on Jesus, and not lose sight of Him and what He is doing in our lives.

Whatever it is you are facing in life, don't forget to give yourself a regular spiritual eye exam: make sure you are staying fixed on Jesus! Spend time with Jesus, every day, listening to Him through His Word and through constant and regular time in prayer. Don't wait for that connection to happen...create the space and opportunity so that in all things, at all times, you can keep your eyes fixed on Jesus!

Jesus doesn't promise us an easy path, He just promises to walk with us through any path. So whatever path you are on, keep your eyes fixed on Him. And THANK YOU for praying for us to do the same as our journey into rural America continues.

Crying Out to God

Joseph Castaneda


His Purpose

I don't always know what to do, or how to respond, when life throws something at me that falls outside my Baptist brain. I love my Baptist theology, training and upbringing, because it has allowed me to dive deeper into scripture and often—for better or worse—put theological matters in nice tidy boxes. Of course, theology is rarely nice or tidy...

For example, I'm really not sure what to do with Gideon and his fleece. Are we supposed to put fleeces out there waiting for God to respond? Does God normally respond to those things? Is it a show of faith or a lack of faith on Gideon's part? How many fleeces does a guy need? (If you have a good "fleece story" I'd love for you to email it to me!)

No, don't get me wrong, I've definitely used the fleece method with God. We moved to Michigan after much prayer, much advice seeking, and many fleeces, but I'm still not sure I understand this type of interaction with the Almighty. I guess I'm a bit of a reluctant fleecer—a closet fleecer if you will—that believes God works with us, where we are, and strengthens our faith along the journey. Sometimes He seems to respond to fleeces as a grace to us.

Last spring, we had a fleece moment in our lives. As many of you know, Traci did not receive the varsity volleyball coaching job when she applied at the first of 2018. It was a little frustrating, but we had prayed for God to be clear and He was; the answer was "no."

Well the newly hired coach ended up leaving because of a job change for her husband, so the job reopened. After talking and praying, we both agreed that Traci would not reapply, and that she would serve the team and the new coach from the JV position. Many parents and teachers and students asked her to reapply but we felt great peace about God's answer.

A week after, another player came and asked Traci if she had reapplied and Traci told her no. This student was bummed and asked, "What would it take for you to reapply for the job?" Traci's response was a fleece: "Justin [school AD] would have to come and offer me the job!" Of course, that was a safe fleece, because Traci didn't reapply and varsity coaching jobs are hot commodities. In fact, this position was posted on local and state job boards, there's no way it would go unfilled.

You'll never guess what happened the ver next day.

Traci went in to meet with the school AD about getting a key so her JV girls could start some open gym practices and…he offered Traci the head coaching job. Amazingly, NO ONE had applied for the position, and even though there are other coaches on staff, coaches with more experience and more connection to the program, he wanted Traci to be the next varsity volleyball head coach!

This was a monumental task and a precious opportunity to connect even more with students, families, and school and community leaders. It's a heavy burden, too, as the varsity coach oversees the entire volleyball program from 4th grade on up. Pray for Traci as she prepares to step in to her second year, and she tries to bring along a team of coaches with the same values and ideas she has to make this program better...and to use it as a vehicle for the Gospel.

As you wait on the Lord, remember that He is always working on your behalf. Sometimes He is working in the silence, sometimes He is working in the background and sometimes He is even working in the fleece. But He is always working, and as Psalm 57:2 states, "[He] will fulfill His purpose for [you]."

Do You Give or Take Away Life?

Joseph Castaneda

Over the past week I’ve been reading a YouVersion Bible study called, “The Life-Giving Leader.” It has been an excellent study on leadership, and it really has me thinking about how I invest my life in others: am I giving grace and truth to others, empowering them to be their very best? Or am I person that draws life from those around me and leaves them with less than when we first met? How about you? Are you a life-giver?

While the devotional focused on leadership, I quickly realized that the principles of giving life to others extends to all of our relationships, and all of us have experienced the impact of being around people who give life, as well as being around those who suck it out of us one interaction at a time. As children of the King, we are called to be partners of grace and to live in a give-and-take type relationship with one another.

Have you ever been in a work environment where your boss demanded grace from you and your fellow employees, but rarely gave it? It’s not a fun place to work! I can think back to a person I know who consumed people and their grace until they grew too weary and depleted to give anything else, and then this person would leave them and move on to the next relationship. His marriage fell apart. His work life crumbled. And all the time he blamed others for giving up on him, or abandoning him in his need. This guy burned through counselors because he didn’t have time to hear what they would tell them, and literally, as soon as they disagreed with his perceptions, he was off to another counselor. I’m not sure this man knew how to give life to others; he only knew how to consume.

1 Peter 4:7-11 is a section of Scripture that has been dear to my heart for years. In the middle of it Peter writes, “Each one should use whatever gifts he has received, to administer God’s grace in its various forms…” He is reminding his followers that they are to be life-givers, providing grace for others. When each of us works at being conduits for the goodness and grace of God, then it becomes so much easier to dispense life, because we’re being filled at the same time we’re being emptied! Of course there will be seasons where we take more than we give, or give more than we take, but as we surround ourselves with godly and mature brothers and sisters in Christ, we find God continues to meet our needs through His people.

As we think about being life-givers, we can look to Jesus to see how He gave to others. Here are seven ways Jesus gave life, maybe this will help you think of ways to fill others up:

Genuinely listen to the needs of others: It always amazes me that Jesus, who could know the hearts and minds of the people whom He encountered, didn’t cut them off when they shared their needs with Him. Easily He could have said, “I know, I know, I know…you want your demon-possessed daughter to be healed, am I right?” He took the time to listen, to hear, and to care what people were saying to Him. You can fill others up, sometimes quite easily, simply by listening to them.

Provide tangible help and resources: Maybe you can’t heal people like Jesus did, but you can certainly help them in very tangible ways. Can you provide a financial gift? Can you show up with an unexpected meal? How about making transportation a possibility? Can you open your home to foster children? Do you have an hour or two a month to visit shut-ins? There are so many ways to tangibly show up in the lives of others!

Offer godly advice: Advice is easy to come by; godly advice is a true treasure. This goes closely with number one on this list, making sure you genuinely listen, but often people need to hear sound council, and you can fill them up by providing biblical advice with grace and confidence.

Pray for peoples’ needs: One of my favorite prayer stories happens when Jesus shows up at the tomb of Lazarus. Knowing that He is about to show the full scope of His divine power, Jesus says a simple prayer for those nearby: “…but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” When people around us are hurting, we can fill them up by praying them up!

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn: Few things are more life-giving than being with people in both their joy and their sorrow. I’ve cried with people as they sat in their loss, silently praying for God’s grace too how up in mighty ways, and I’ve laughed with people as we celebrated a great victory in their lives. And I’ve done both while being on the other end of the spectrum myself: mourning while experiencing joy in my life, and celebrating when my own life felt heavy and burdened. Learning to genuinely rejoice with others in one setting, while mourning with others in another, is a beautiful way to express God’s grace.

Use your words to offer encouragement: Ephesians 4:29 reminds us that our words should be used to build others up, to benefit everyone who hears us, and not as a tool to tear people down. The world does a tremendous job of belittling, humiliating, and destroying people, we should be a people who give life with our words, whether through Twitter, in person, or over the phone. Life should flow from our lips so that people long to be around us!

Defend the powerless: Jesus was a master of defending people who had been marginalized by society. He was incredibly gracious to women, in a culture that, at times, gave little credence to their value. Jesus embraced children even when His own followers tried to cast them away. He spent time with gratuitous sinners and social and spiritual outcasts, treating them with value even when others treated them with disdain. He didn’t mock the powerless, He acknowledged them and gave them hope. He didn’t push away the outcasts, He ate dinner with them and made them His friends. What powerless people are in your life that could use some grace? Who has God already put in your path that you could build up and fill up by being like Jesus?

After I finished my little devotional study this week, I was reminded that I want to be a person that distributes God’s grace, and gives life to others. I know I will need to be the recipient of grace and life from others, too, so I want to place myself in relationship with brothers and sisters in Christ who are equally pursuing Him. Are you giving life to those around you? Would your wife or kids call you a life giver? Would your employer or employees say you breathe grace into them at the workplace? Would the officials at your kids’ games call you a grace distributor?

Let’s be the kind of people that fill others up, and administrate the grace of God in its various forms!

Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water.

How, What and WHY

Joseph Castaneda



This last week Traci and I had another presentation, another opportunity to share about the vision and dream of launching Crossroads Farm in NW Michigan. We shared with some friends about what we're doing, how we hope they will join our prayer and support teams, and how Crossroads Farm is reaching teens in rural America.

But as we shared, I was reminded that the what and how matter a great deal, but they don't come close to touching the importance of the WHY: why are we investing in this ministry in order to reach rural teenagers in NW Michigan?

Mark 2:16-17 states our reason very well. Jesus was talking to a group of men who were wondering why a great teacher like Jesus would hang out with unlovely, unlikeable and marginalized people. His answer was simple: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick..."

Our little town needs Jesus. 92% of teenagers have no church affiliation. 80% of adults do not attend any religious service with regularity. There is so much hurt in such a small community and we long to work with other Jesus followers (and we thank God that we are meeting many!) who want to help this community, too, and especially help reach the young people with the Gospel.

There is no doubt in my mind that Crossroads Farm is a cool addition to this town. But no amount of cool will replace the why: to give students a chance to yes or no to the Gospel of Jesus.

Why we do anything, matters immensely. How are you helping to reach the sick, the hurting and the people marginalized by culture and society? We do that because it’s what Jesus has called us to, so when we focus on the why, the how takes care of itself.

Whatever You Do...

Joseph Castaneda


Commit to the Lord

Thinking back to when Traci and I moved our family to Michigan five years ago, it must seem funny to God what plans we had made. We knew we were following His lead, and without a shadow of doubt we know that everything that transpired was because of His perfect planning, but we thought we knew the details of His work. We thought we had grasped the precision with which He orchestrates life events and we were trusting our understanding as much as we were trusting His leading.

When everything hit the fan, we understood the difference between what we know, and what He knows; between our planning and His. As created finite beings, we can only work with what's within our realm of knowledge and understanding, but with God, He sees the first from the last, the start from the finish and He sees all of it for everyone at any given moment.

These words of Solomon (put together by my good friend, Danny Ray), remind us to commit our work to the Lord, while leaving the setting of plans and course to Him. Yes, we must make plans and prayerful pursue the works/paths/passions/love that God has put in our hearts, but ultimately we must do so with an openness for the Almighty Creator God of the universe to intervene in order to give us what's best according to His limitless knowledge!

I hope you are committing your ways to the Lord, but leaving room for Him to establish the path. Then, no matter how difficult the journey, you know you are exactly where He wants you to be.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Joseph Castaneda


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is always an interesting one to me. In our area, many of the schools are in session, in part, because the annual school calendar doesn’t line up well with this third Monday in January (this is the start of finals week, and missing Monday is certainly not convenient for students, teachers or administrators). In many parts of our country, people will march, usually peacefully, or gather in some public meeting space in order to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and for the values on which he stood, and for which he ultimately died.

Volumes of books and countless hours of documentaries have circulated about the history of this man and the movement he invigorated. These tomes reveal the depth of character he displayed in the face of fierce, vile, and often explicitly evil attacks on him and the movement he was stirring to action in attempt to make the world aware of the disgraceful inequality that was present in America in the 1960s.

You can also read of his character flaws, his extramarital relationships, and the dangers and influences of some of his closest companions. Dr. King was a man surrounded by admirers, and people who longed to be a part of something big; they wanted to share in the picture he painted, the dream he articulated. He was also surrounded by scoundrels, and people who sought to attack him, or even profit from his work. And no matter what you read or watch, you will find it all steeped with opinion as authors and producers try to make sense of a man and movement that emerged in the backdrop of 1960’s America, a time with so much angst and cultural conflict.

I won’t pretend to know what Dr. King would think of today’s America were he here to lead a movement. It’s hard to imagine what he would say about what happened in Ferguson, MO in 2014, about how he would respond to campus outrage over conservative/liberal guest speakers, or how he would support (or not) the #MeToo movement in its current form. Would he have been behind Judge Kavenaugh or would he have organized a protest? Would he meet with President Trump or would he lead immigrants in peaceful marches at the border?

It’s impossible to know the answers to those questions, but there is one thing I can say with some confidence: he would urge everyone to stop fighting hatred with hatred, and to start winning the war with love. My favorite MLK quote is this: “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” This last week I scrolled through my Twitter feed and in an admittedly small sample-size, over 50% of the tweets were attacks on others: Trump, Pelosi, Brady (those ones I find sympathy with!), a young man going eye-to-eye with another protestor in DC, the March for Life, the March for Women, some local municipality that apparently can’t fix a traffic problem in their town, Gillette razors, and a rant against some high school prep basketball referee that is apparently in need of glasses.

My Facebook feed sometimes isn’t much better and my newsfeeds are much worse. It doesn’t matter from what side of the aisle you get your news, it’s all loaded with angst, frustration, and ultimately hatred toward anyone who disagrees. It seems we have lost (maybe we never had?) an ability to disagree with one another without name calling, character assassinating, or over-shouting our opponent. It seems that our anger and frustration has spilled over to such hatred, that we can’t listen and we certainly can’t admit our faults or be willing to make changes. Our hated has become so intense that anyone who opposes our ideals, opinions, or politics, is considered stupid, is censured, and probably should be sued.

Angst and frustration, even anger, can be emotions that lead us to action and to create change, but hatred is the enemy of change. Hatred leads to impulsive, punitive responses and hatred expresses itself in revenge. Hatred needs to be right at all costs, hatred urges a person to compromise their character in order to “win,” and hatred blinds the eyes and vision of those who promote it.

Jesus knew the dangers of hatred, and so He told His followers, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” This was a radical shift in Jewish culture, a culture that was steeped in angst and frustration over Rome’s governing policies in the land. The “righteous” people of Jesus’ day had advocated hatred toward their oppressors and violent revolution if necessary, and Jesus’ voice stands in stark contrast: love your enemies, and pray for your persecutors.

I wonder if Dr. King had those words in mind when he talked about the burden of hate? There is a right way to stand up for the oppressed. There is a right way to speak to the problems of culture. There is a right way to voice opposition to political, religious, and cultural leaders and it is never from a position of hatred.

Maybe today, as we reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we would be wise to evaluate how much of our conversation flows from love, and how much flows from hatred. Maybe today we need to remove some social media posts that reflect a heart carrying the burden of hatred, and not one carrying the burden of Christ and His love. Maybe today we need to confess the sin of hating the people on the other side of political aisle, cultural debate, or social issue and do as Jesus said: love and pray for our enemies and persecutors.

Jesus didn’t turn a blind eye to social injustice. Jesus’s call for love wasn’t a way to weasel out of responsibility or an excuse to be passive. Quite the opposite: real love demands action, but it’s action that’s rooted in something—someone—greater than ourselves, because real love can only come from Christ. Thus Jesus would say, “…But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may sons [and daughters!] of your Father in heaven…”

Does your life reflect this kind of love?

Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water.

Do you struggle with anger? My friend Terry Porter, founder of Health From the Inside Out, has a video course to address the root of anger while giving you the tools to combat it. Check out his course, and his web site, here:


Joseph Castaneda



Psalm 23:4 reads, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…”

I've read a lot of commentaries and devotional books on Psalm 23. Many of them have a compelling story about what David meant, or maybe even what particular mountain/valley he was referencing in the Psalm, but they all tell the same story: God is walking with us through the valley of the shadow of death. He doesn't send us on our way with a, "I'll meet you on the other side" pat on the back, but rather, He walks with us from one side to the other.

Winston Churchill is usually attributed with saying the following, "If you're going through hell...keep going." In many ways, whether he meant to or not, I think he was grabbing the theme of Psalm 23 and putting a WWII vernacular to it. He was telling the brave soldiers who would bring freedom to Europe, "Don't stop in the valley. Don't stop in the trenches (literally, the place of death for so many heroic young men). Don't stop until you are all the way across the battlefield."

Whatever you are facing today, remember God's great words in Psalm 130:5, and know that there is hope when you trust in the Lord. The God who allows you to walk into the valley of the shadow of death, walks with you, He comforts you, and He walks you through it!

So many of you have prayed us through our own journey, how can we pray you through yours? Send us an email at,, and include your specific requests.

(Kristi Walker, one of our Overboard authors, wrote a book, especially targeted for women, dealing with the challenges of facing disappointment. Check out this resource in our bookstore and grab a paper or ebook version today!)

Disappointment: By Kristi Walker
Sale Price:$12.99 Original Price:$14.99


We all face disappointments in this life.  We long for romance but live alone.  Couples ache to become parents.  People let us down and sometimes our bodies do, too.  Nothing, apart from God, is truly disappointment-free.

Many times in life we chart our own course and are then shocked, frustrated, confused and even angry when the road we wanted to take is suddenly not a possibility. Detours should not be looked upon as negative turns of events, but as God's guidance.  Most of life's disappointments are actually appointments from God Himself! 

We have a choice: we can follow God in faithful trust, or we can step away from that trust on easy little side paths of resentment, worry, bitterness, or misery.  

In Disappointment: A subtle path away from God, Kristi will show you how to see the let-downs of life, thru the lens of God's character. He is the one that will never disappoint us, and by learning to trust Him with our biggest hurts, we find a path toward Him, and not away from Him.

(Click HERE for the Kindle version of this book)

We Should All Be A Little Leerie

Joseph Castaneda

This past weekend, Traci and I enjoyed a date, (something we try to do weekly) and after lunch, and a little shopping at Costco, we stopped by the local theater for a matinee viewing of the new Mary Poppins movie. We’d both heard reviews, good and bad, from friends who had previously viewed the film; it’s so hard to take something so iconic, and try to modernize it for a younger audience while keeping it familiar to an older audience. Some of our friends loved it, and others felt like it was a disservice to the magic Julie Andrews and Dick VanDyke had created back in 1964. (While we both loved the movie, this is not a critique or analysis of the film.)

If you haven’t seen it, I won’t ruin anything here, but in place of the Dick VanDyke chimney sweep character, a young man by the name of Jack plays a central role in the movie, and serves the community as a lamplighter. He is part of a number of fantastic musical numbers as he and his fellow lamplighters, or Leeries as they are known, start each day by lighting the city’s lamps after the sun has gone down, and end each day by putting them out, after the sun has come back up.

I’m not sure where the term “Leerie” first originated, though it is found in a Robert Louis Stevenson poem from the late 1800s. Here are the words to this short little poem, told from the perspective of a little child who longs to be a lamplighter:

My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky.

It's time to take the window to see Leerie going by;

For every night at teatime and before you take your seat,

With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street.

Now Tom would be a driver and Maria go to sea,

And my papa's a banker and as rich as he can be;

But I, when I am stronger and can choose what I'm to do,

O Leerie, I'll go round at night and light the lamps with you!

For we are very lucky, with a lamp before the door,

And Leerie stops to light it as he lights so many more;

And oh! before you hurry by with ladder and with light;

O Leerie, see a little child and nod to him to-night!

You see, these Leeries were out at night as the sun set, and they traveled through London turning on every lamp in the city, including the ones on each street corner, on the outside walls of businesses, and even the ones on peoples’ porches. Carrying or driving their ladders and/or long poles around, they quickly turned the city from darkness to light, and then just as quickly extinguished the flames when the sun returned the next morning. It was an important job in London in the late 1800’s thru the early 1900s, until automation, and eventually electricity, eliminated their role from society.

An iconic image from a London Leerie plying his trade from the early 1900s.

An iconic image from a London Leerie plying his trade from the early 1900s.

Not only were the Leeries responsible for lighting the city at night, they were also responsible to make sure the lamps had enough wick to operate, that the gas lines were properly functioning, that the lamps and glass were kept clean, and in many cases, were the unofficial watchmen of the city in the hours of the day/night when criminals would be looking for opportunities to break laws. Leeries were considered honorable men, helping people find their way through the city, demonstrating charity to those in need, and working the odd hours of the day and night when most others would prefer the comfort of a warm and dry shelter.

There are several great lines in the movie about the role of the Leeries, but I love how Stevenson captured it: “For we are very lucky, with a lamp before the door, And Leerie stops to light it as he lights so many more…” This reminds me of the text in Matthew 5 where Jesus tells an audience, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Imagine if all of us who professed Christ demonstrated the qualities of a Leerie. We’d be packing our “equipment” with us everywhere we went, making sure we were always ready to serve when the opportunity arose. Each of us would make certain our neighborhood had a light shining bright, on the street corner, in our local businesses, and on every porch. Embracing the Leerie role, we’d help point people in the right direction, keep an eye out for danger, and do all of our work without complaint. And like all good Leeries, we’d help one another when our shift was “finished” and make sure all the other Lamplighters made it home safely at night.

I left the movie theater very satisfied with the new version of Mary Poppins, and already thinking about whether or not I living like a Leerie. The Overboard Life demands that each of us be a little Lerrie, lighting lamps for the Gospel in whatever corner of the world God has placed us. What would make you a better Leerie, today?

Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water!

(Below you can enjoy a musical version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem)


Joseph Castaneda



It's crazy to me that God has gifted us the ability to work, so that according to Ecclesiastes 3:13, we can enjoy the good things from our labor. Without question, our greatest joy will come when we are living face to face with our Creator God in eternity, but until that day, we are given opportunity and permission to enjoy the good in this life, too!

What would our lives look like if we truly enjoyed the labor of our hands, the grind of the work place, and even the challenges of the daily commute? What if we saw all of these things as gifts from God instead of difficult, miserable, or even unlikable parts of our lives?

Instead, what if our daily work routine was viewed as a hand-selected, prized gift, given to us by God Himself so that we could enjoy the work, enjoy the meals we purchase with the income, and relish the good times with friends and family that the resources given us provide? Imagine how different we’d view each day!

This verse brings to mind Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, given thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Do you find joy in your work? It may not be the job that’s the problem (No, I’m not saying that every job is great. I’m simply reminding each of us that work is a gift from the Lord, and regardless of whether or not we “like” our particular vocation, we can still choose joy!), but your perspective that needs to change.

Today, choose to enjoy the work God has given you.

Lessons From A Traffic Jam

Joseph Castaneda

Last summer I was traveling through the highway and byways of West Virginia after a speaking engagement for IFCA’s national youth conference. I was making the 10-hour trek from the beautiful campus of Appalachian Bible College to my beautiful wife and kids in northern Michigan. As often happens during summer travel on America’s amazing road system, traffic came to screeching halt as we entered a construction zone; a bridge spanning one of West Virginia’s many lazy rivers was under some much needed repairs.

The west-bound traffic was only stopped for a couple of minutes, and as I drove over the bridge that was under repair, I realized that an accident on the east-bound side was a distraction for everyone. A small military convoy was at the front of the mess, where it appeared a smaller sedan had collided with one of the lead desert-colored humvees and ended up creating a significant multi-car collision in the one lane that wasn’t under construction. It looked funny to pass the accident and see dozens of soldiers in military garb standing about, and shuffling around on the freeway.

Thankfully it appeared that no one had been seriously injured, but the debris on the road, combined with the difficulty in accessing the accident due to the lane closures, made this a terrible spot for an incident. Cars were trickling by, very slowly, as they navigated what little shoulder the bridge had to offer, under the guidance of the military personnel. Our lane was moving at a matching speed, simply because everyone likes to look at an accident scene.

As I’ve traveled over the years, and been witness to many backups and slowdowns, I’ve developed this strange habit of checking the mileage (and travel time when it’s in my lane) from the front of the line to back, because I’m always curious what the impact of a collision or slowdown is to the rest of the line of travelers. This particular backup ended up lasting nearly 7 miles. When you’re traveling at 5mph or less…that’s a VERY long backup!

We’ve all been at the back of one of those traffic lines and have experienced the frustration of wondering what in the world is making traffic slow to a crawl on a beautiful Friday evening when it seems like everyone should be moving well.

As I traversed the bridge and dropped back down on the other side of the small river that we were crossing, I could see the backup of cars going on forever, but between the end of the bridge and the first bend in the road, there was an emergency vehicle turnout. The turnout was about half mile from the bridge, roughly six minutes for someone moving at 5mph.

While driving past the turnout, a visibly frustrated driver on the other side of the highway pulled out on to the left shoulder, sped alongside the stopped traffic, then violently turned in to the emergency turnout and jumped in to our flow of traffic. They pulled right behind me and drove the next five miles in my lane before taking the nearest exit. Who knows, maybe they needed fuel badly, or maybe someone in the car needed to pee and another few minutes of stopped traffic would have meant a change of pants at the nearest Walmart.

What struck me was this: if they had stayed in their lane another six minutes, just another half-mile, they would have been through the accident and at an exit on the other side of the bridge. They were so close to breaking free from the traffic congestion, but for whatever reason(s), they gave up their spot, lost ground, and moved back in line. About 30 minutes later I made a stop, and I glanced back at Apple Maps to see where the driver might have been going. Because of the river, there really weren’t many crossing options that would have made sense on some little West Virginia backroad, so my guess is that if they had wanted to continue eastbound, they would have had to renter traffic at the back of the line.

I wonder how many times you and I have been so close to finishing a goal, completing a dream, or pushing through a difficult barrier, only to sabotage our victory by taking the emergency turnoff just moments before we would have broken through, finished, or completed the task? Dreams and goals are hard to achieve but they are even more difficult when we start working against ourselves!

The Apostle Paul was a man with great focus and intensity, and as he neared the end of his life, he could tell is prodigy that he had run the race, he finished well, and he was looking forward to the rewards that awaited him. In other words, he hadn’t taken the emergency exit when his frustration, irritation, or anger had taken over. He didn’t head back the other way because he was so discouraged, and he didn’t miss the finish line by half a mile because he was just so tired of waiting and working. He finished.

As we jump headlong in to 2019, let me encourage you to set your heart and mind to finish the goals God has given you for this year. Start with a finisher’s mentality that says you are going to hold the course and run your race well. You may not run fast or pretty, but you will run hard, and you will run to the finish line no matter how many emergency turnarounds show up along the way.

1 really spiritual way to NOT get rid of guilt

Joseph Castaneda

I was preaching a winter camp a couple weekends ago and preached a message from John 4. I love the Bible and I love when it comes alive in new ways. The story of the Woman at the Well is pretty familiar to many, but I saw a lesson in the text that I had not seen before, a lesson about the problem with guilt and shame.


Let me give three quick background points that might help flesh out this story:


  1. Jesus and His disciples were traveling thru Samaria when Jesus stopped at a well, while His disciples went into town to get some food.
  2. At the well, Jesus asked a Samaritan woman for water which a social faux pax on two levels: First, Jews didn’t talk to Samaritans, they hate each other. Second, this woman was drawing water in the middle of the day…probably indicating she was a social outcast, so a Jewish Rabbai had to business talking to a woman of this “type.”
  3. As with most encounters in His ministry, Jesus used the natural (in this case, water from a well) to talk about the spiritual (living water from Jesus).


So part way thru their conversation, Jesus asks this woman to go home, bring her husband back to the well, so that Jesus could take with both of them. At this request, she replied that she didn’t have a husband and Jesus commends her for her honesty: “You are right when you say you do not have a husband. You have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband…”


The woman’s jaw must have bounced off the ground at Jesus’ words. How did He know this about her? Had they met before? He certainly wasn’t from town (remember, He was a Jew), but did the rumors of this woman reach Jerusalem? Whatever thoughts raced around in her mind were immediately displaced by the reality that she was standing in the presence of a man of God: “I can see that you are a prophet…” are the words that escaped her mouth. Then look what happens next.


“Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” Prior to speaking at this camp, I had never put together the fact that immediately after Jesus points out her sinful lifestyle, she explains her attempts at trying to rid herself of guilt! Notice she didn’t try to excuse her lifestyle, and I don’t think she was merely getting religious because a “pastor” showed up (believe me…that happens more times than I care to recount!), rather, Jesus exposed her sin and she tried to explain how she’s dealing with it, spiritually.



I wonder how many of us try to deal with guilt in the same way? Maybe you know the familiar cycle: you sin, you acknowledge and confess your sin, then in order to make sure you don’t sin again, or maybe in attempt to hope God doesn’t remember that sin, you try really hard to be more spiritual. You listen to more worship music. You do more service. You engage in more religious conversations. You try…try…try…and yet, like this woman, your guilt remains.


Of course, Jesus meets people where they are, right? Physically, He met this woman at the well, and spiritually He meets her at her greatest need. Even in Jesus’ day, worship wasn’t about the location (the temple in Jerusalem), it was about the heart of the worshipper. He teaches this woman that the location of her worship doesn’t matter if the heart is wrong, but when the heart is right, she becomes the type of worshipper the Father is seeking: one who worships in spirit and in truth. Jesus freed her from the prison of having to do enough of the right things in the right place to be absolved from guilt, and helps her understand that through Living Water, freely given to those who put their faith in Christ, she can be cleansed and freed eternally!


The story ends in such magnificent fashion as many Samaritans put their faith in Christ because they heard this woman’s story (4:39) and embraced the eternal life offered by the Savior fo the world (4:42).


As I think about how this woman was liberated from the guilt of her sin, not because she finally did enough of the right things, but because she finally accepted the payment offered by Christ, I wonder how many of us are dealing with the guilt the way she did before this encounter? How many times have we sinned, then, in an attempt to fill our lives with spiritual activity, try to do enough good to cover the guilt from our spiritual failings?


There are not enough minutes in a lifetime, to worship God sufficiently to cover up the guilt for even one of our sins. But one drop of the blood of Jesus, an innocent man who died to pay the price for the sin of the world, can wipe away the guilt of a thousand thousand sins in a single man, woman or child. When we put our faith in Him, when we acknowledge His sacrifice as sufficient for our sin and guilt, we can experience true freedom from the shame of sin. We can find hope, healing, and true spiritual liberty in being a child of God, and not in trying to do what a child of God “should” do.


Yes, when we have experienced that freedom we should long to live a life that pleases God, a life that flows from a heart of worship and praise. But we must never convince ourselves that our worship, our good deeds, and our best spiritual efforts can somehow erase the guilt of our sin. Only Jesus can do that, and He works thru the faith of His children.


If you’re trying to win God’s forgiveness today, I urge you to find identity with the woman in John 4. You will never be able to do enough to rid yourself of the guilt of your sin, but thankfully you don’t have to: Jesus has already paid the price. Seek God in faith, confess your sin in genuine repentance, and allow Him to set you free as only He can do.


Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water!

Failing to win

Joseph Castaneda

I don’t know if you were among the 103.4 million viewers who tuned in for the Super Bowl or not, but this year’s contest was a pretty exciting game. Spoiler alert: The Eagles beat the Patriots in a significant upset, especially when you looked at the two men leading their offenses. The Patriot’s QB has 5 Super Bowl rings to his name, while the Eagles QB didn’t even have a starting job when the 2017/2018 season began. In fact, a freak injury to the starter for the Eagles paved the way for this incredible upset victory.


Whether you care about football or not, Nick Foles, the QB for Philadelphia, gave a fantastic answer to how he’s dealt with the struggles of life, the disappointments of seeing opportunities pass you by, and the thrill of watching your dreams become reality. Take a minute to watch this two-minute clip that happened during his post-Super Bowl interview.



It seems like we live in a culture that really lives in fear of failure; a culture that actually runs from it. For example, I was thinking about how much sports participation has changed since I was a child, and one of the biggest challenges I have faced as a coach and parent is that so many programs are set up to eliminate failure. No, I’m not going to get into the debate about the psychology of winning and losing, I’m just observing that even in competitive sports, we’ve tried to replace the experience of losing with the experience of “winning.”

Don’t be afraid to fail…That’s a part of life, part of building character.
— Nick Foles, Super Bowl winning MVP quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles

So now we have games without scores, everyone on the team gets a trophy (I’m watching this happen even at the high school level!), coaches aren’t allowed to correct improper technique during a game and everyone is required to play the same amount of minutes. In fact, I recently heard about a sports leagues where officials aren’t allowed to indicate which player committed a violation so that no one feels “singled-out” for mistakes.


This of course, extends beyond sports. College campuses have created “Safe Zones” where a person can be assured they won’t hear anything that seems offensive to their personal or moral standards. I know college profs who are strongly discouraged from flunking a student, regardless of the quality of work or lack of effort put in by the student. College students around the country (maybe around the world?) are demanding that grades be taken out of the hands of the teacher, and rather, should be assigned based on the self-evaluation of the student.


I wish these issues stopped with sports and academia, but they do not. A few years ago, a friend of mine who was in charge of hiring personnel for his business, told me a story about a young man who came in for an interview. This particular line of work required a more formal dress code and during the interview, a fresh-out-of-college candidate came in wearing jeans and a T-shirt. My friend conducted the interview and was frustrated by the candidates inability to answer basic questions (from my friend’s viewpoint based on the applicant’s resume and education), and that he regularly checked his text messages throughout the 20 minute interview.


My friend wrapped up the meeting and informed the young man that he would not be hired, and tried to explain a few things that might help develop the recent grad’s interview skills in the future. The young man was angry, and he expressed his disgust with the process and the outcome of the interview. Within a couple of hours, my buddy received a call from the young man’s mother who lambasted him for his incompetence as an interviewee and his total lack of appreciation for her son’s skillset. She threatened to escalate the call to my friend’s boss, the owner of the company, if he didn’t immediately change his hiring decision. My buddy gladly welcomed that phone call, and needless-to-say, the young man was never employed by his company.


Maybe you agree with the concept of non-losing sports events or with the mom who called an employer on behalf of her son. Honestly, I’m not debating the merit of either scenario. What I am trying to challenge is the idea that somehow protecting our children or parents or families or churches or schools or teams or communities or leaders or students from failure is productive. In fact, I’d argue that protecting people from failure is vastly counterproductive to creating the character we strongly desire to see them develop. Failure is fundamental to personal growth and development in every area of life. It’s not that we should wish failure upon the people we love, but we shouldn’t be so eager to try and erase it from their lives, either.


From businessmen to athletes, from stay-at-home mom bloggers to the high school janitor, ask anyone who has experienced any kind of success in life or vocation or relationship and they will tell you the same story: past failure played a role in their current “win.” A few years ago I read a business article where the author had interviewed multiple self-made millionaires and billionaires, and he was shocked to discover a unifying truth about each of them: they had all made significant business blunders and had experienced monumental business losses on their way to business success. Most of them had filed for bankruptcy, multiple times, before experiencing their big break. Most of them had lost more money than many people will make in their lifetimes. Regardless of the size of loss, however, each one chose to learn from their failures, and the character developed thru the hardship prepared them for future success.


I wonder how many of us are shielding our lives, and the lives of those we love, from failure, and ultimately, shielding them from character development they will need for future growth and success? 


In Isaiah 48:10 we find that spiritual success runs a similar course: “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction…” Spiritual growth comes, not on the mountaintop experiences, but through the suffering and affliction that God allows into our lives. It is in the shadows of catastrophic loss, the wake of spiritual confession, or through the humility of a broken spirit that God does His refining work in our lives so that we can be made ready for the work He has set apart for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Shielding ourselves form loss or failure or consequences is ultimately shielding ourselves from the opportunity to grow.


James echoes this truth when he states, that we experience suffering and trials so that “…you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4). Almost all of us desire maturity and completeness as individuals, but few us desire the path we must take in order to experience life-changing growth. Clearly we must learn, as Nick Foles has learned, that failing is the pathway to victory; suffering is the route that leads to growth. God refines us in our brokenness, then gives us the healing to be who He wants us to be so that we can do, what He wants us to do.


Go ahead and take the plunge, life–even failure in life–is always better on the water!

Thoughts about cussing

Joseph Castaneda

I remember being a young teenager trying to come to grips with whether or not it was really wrong to drop the occasional curse word. Or, as was the case in my 7th grade year, to string together profanities in a fashion that showed a keen mind for the creative process. Granted, I only swore in front of my Christian friends because I didn’t want to have a bad testimony in front of my non-believing friends (that is so messed up!), and I reasoned: it’s only a word, what’s the difference between saying “Dang” or…


Of course that line of reasoning is a tad on the ridiculous side. Words have meaning, some of them are stronger or more direct than others, and some carry a special weight because of how the listener receives them. Whether or not society deems a word as “profane” or not is another interesting topic, but regardless: words have meaning. The good ones, and the bad ones, mean something and more importantly, they say something about the user.


(Incidentally, my cursing problem was almost instantly cured the day I dropped a special bomb while watching a football game one Sunday after church. My mother heard it, and asked, “What did you say??!” I tried to assure her I said a good Christian equivalent like, “Shoot, those raiders really Fricked up that play!” When my father came home his belt smacked me so soundly that every profanity I ever wanted to utter (past, present or future!) flew out of my consciousness for good. Haven’t had much of a profanity problem since then!)



My wife and I were talking about profanity and speech recently and how it seems like it cursing has become more common among believers today. It’s almost like “Hey, I’m not one of those fake Christians, I’m the real deal, and I use profanity to show how authentic I am.” I’m all for authenticity. If the church had failed the world in the decades leading up to the turn of last century, it might have been seen most glaringly in the area of living a true, authentic faith. We sometimes painted a picture of faith that made everything better and made all of our problems go away. Even Jesus indicated that in faith, your problems were just beginning! Faith gives us hope for those problems, but Christ didn’t promise any of us any easy life.


While we were talking about this topic, Traci made this comment: “Isn’t it interesting that Peter, when he denied Jesus, cursed in order to show that he didn’t belong to Jesus?”


I have never thought about Peter’s action at Jesus’ crucifixion as a defense of the idea that believers shouldn’t swear, so I spent some time looking up those passages and studying them out. One of the ones I focused on most was Mark 14:66-72, especially on verse 71: “He [Peter] began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them, ‘”I don’t know this man you’re talking about.’”


At first I thought maybe the passage would lead me a different way, but as I began to understand the greek words used in this story, and the way they were understood in Peter’s day, there is no doubt that Peter’s words were an ancient form of profanity. He profaned his own name and through profanity emphasized his own lack of relationship with Christ. And my wife’s thought hits me even harder: Peter spoke this way in order to distance himself from Christ.


Words have meaning and power, and the power and meaning of the words we use make it possible for us to communicate effectively and with emphasis when needed. Our words align us with causes (“#MeToo”), reveal our character (“I have a dream…”) and reflect something of our inner being (“Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks”).


What do your words reveal about you? With what causes do they align you? What do they reveal about your character? Most importantly, what do your words reveal about the contents of your heart?


Let’s all work to use words that “build others up according to their needs” (Ephesians 4:29) and that reflect the heart of Paul for young Timothy: “…set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).


Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water!

The 38th Anniversary of Al Michaels and The Miracle on Ice

Joseph Castaneda

I was only 6 when it happened, on this date, February 22nd, 38 years ago, but I still remember watching part of the game in our house (tape delayed!). I still remember loving what happened. I vividly remember the silky blue “USA Olympics” coat I wore everywhere after the games were over. It was one of those coats I wore long after I outgrew it and for months after it developed tears and holes and my mother wished I would wear something else…anything else.


For sports fans alive in 1980, the USA hockey team defeat of team USSR in the semi-finals of the Olympic Games is unforgettable. David defeating Goliath may be the only underdog to overcome greater odds than that team, since the Soviets had won the gold medal in hockey every Olympics since 1964. In fact, a week prior to their showdown in Lake Placid, NY, the Soviets had demolished the U.S. team in an exhibition game. Few people thought the Red, White and Blue had any chance against the seasoned veterans of the mighty U.S.S.R.

Miracle on Ice.jpg


Despite facing an early deficit, the Americans did the unthinkable and rode the incredible goal-tending glove of Jimmy Craig, combined with timely goals from key players to knock the Soviets out of gold medal contention. A few days later the U.S. squad knocked off Finland to secure Olympic gold and sports immortality with, “The Miracle on Ice!”


The game was given that nick name because of the famous call, by a young broadcaster name Al Michaels. Yes, that Al Michaels that just called Super Bowl Lii along with five or six other Super Bowls and just about every major sporting event since 1980. But in 1980, he was just Al Michaels, not the legend, not the familiar voice of a World Series baseball game or a Monday night football game. He was Al Michaels, the youngster who had to cover the hockey game.


I recently heard Al interviewed on the radio about that moment in Lake Placid and he joked about how he ended up with the call. You see, to most people, it was a foregone conclusion that the Russians would clean up in the hockey finals, and few of the broadcasters wanted to cover an event that would have so little drama. While assignments were being handed out during the week, it was revealed that Al had called a hockey game in his young career, so, he was given the tournament.


As the Americans started playing with some surprising results in the 12 team tournament, the remote possibility of an unprecedented upset began to stir among fans and sports writers. Despite the lopsided loss America had sustained against Russia in the exhibition game just days before the Olympics, the arena was packed beyond capacity and chants of “U.S.A.” rattled the foundation and rafters of the arena hours before the puck dropped.


Politically, in 1980, president Carter was gearing up to fight for re-election against an actor-turned-politician out of California, and oil prices were thru the roof. The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States made the rivalry between these two teams even more intense. It was as if two ideologies were competing on the ice, more than just two groups of men who play a game on a frozen pond.


The Soviets took the early 2-1 lead, but with less than 10 minutes remaining in the 3rd period, captain Mike Eruzione hit the go ahead goal that gave the Americans a 4-3 lead. Jimmy Craig deflected multiple shot attempts in the final 10 minutes and, famously, after a deflection was sent to the other end of the ice rink, the clock began ticking down and Al Michaels spoke the unforgettable words, “5 seconds left in the game…do you believe in miracles? Yes!”


The Soviets had been defeated. The Americans had won. Al Michaels was a legend.


One of the things that strikes me about this incredible piece of history, is the place in history that Al Michael’s shares because of his part in the game. He gets invited to reunions that are open ONLY to players/families of that team, and when a movie was made capturing the magic of that day, Al was included and the actual call for the game was incorporated to the film’s finale. In fact the film’s director said, “Al, without you and your call, this movie can’t be made.”


And he was there, in that place on that day, because he had called one other hockey game in his yet, not-so-illustrious career.


I marvel at how God does this with us all the time, and how often we miss His working because we don’t want to be backstage, off-camera or picking up trash after the big event. Al probably wasn’t the best announcer of that Olympic Games, and he might not have even been the most qualified announcer for hockey. Yet there he was, prepared, ready to go, and eager to take the task handed to him without knowing the outcome would change his trajectory and career.


Has God placed you in a minor league hockey game today? Are you serving Him backstage while the “show” goes on without you? Are you in a place where no one knows your name or your part, and you wonder if you will get the chance for something else?


As I’ve studied the Scriptures over the past 21 years of pastoral ministry, one of the patterns that has emerged through the lives of God’s chosen people, is how often He takes the people who are faithful to serve Him, quietly, almost passively, but whose hearts are for Him, and uses them for exceptional work! In fact, the people who long for the spotlight, the people who crave the affections of the crowd, are rarely the ones God assigns for His greatest tasks. Just look at this (very incomplete!) list of people that God used for great tasks; people whose lives were relatively unknown prior to God’s working through them:


Moses was an 80-year-old, stuttering shepherd living in the desert when God called him.

Jael was a stay-at-home mom before God used her to defeat an army.

David was the youngest of 8 brothers, a lowly shepherd who liked rocks and harps.

Esther was an orphaned, very beautiful, teenage girl living with her uncle.

John lived in the desert and wore a shirt made of camel hair, and apparently had an appetite for locust.

Ruth was a widower and foreigner in a land that wasn’t fond of her particular type.

Abraham was a son and uncle, a nomad and wanderer, and was older than your great grandfather when he had his first child.

Mary was a sweet young Jewish girl who grew up on the other side of the tracks.

Gideon was a man hiding in a winepress when God came to him.

The “other” Mary was a demon-possessed prostitute before she met Jesus.


Yet each of them was extraordinary in what they did for the Lord. Moses led Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land, taking them on a 40 year route thru the wilderness. Jael drove a tent peg into the temple of the leader of the enemy of Israel, affectively ending a war. David became Israel’s king, serving for 40 years and prepared for the temple to be built by his son Solomon. Esher saved her people from extinction during the Assyrian captivity of the Jews. John proclaimed the coming of The Lamb of God and pointed the people to Jesus. Ruth became a great grandmother of King David. Abraham became the father of the entire Jewish nation. Mary gave birth to God’s Son and was among the first disciples in the church. Gideon led Israel’s armies against an army 500 times larger than his. The “other” Mary poured perfume on Jesus and wiped his feet with her tears and hair, and Jesus forever proclaimed her connection to the Gospel.


None of these people sought the position they were given, but all of them were ready when the opportunity arose. Because they were more talented, gifted or intellectual? No. They were ready because they gave their talents and gifts and intellects and hearts to God in the little things of life. When God called them they were obedient to Him. No matter how unqualified they may have felt, no matter how much they may have tried to convince God they weren’t ready, they obeyed God’s voice and thru them, He accomplished great work.


Embrace your calling in life and take on those minor league hockey games with all your might. Clean up after the event as if you were cleaning up the Lord’s table. Serve your family with all your heart. Take out the garbage and empty the dishwasher with joy and diligence. Give that report as if God Himself were sitting in the room listening. As you make it all about Him, you will begin to care less and less about platform you have and will begin to care more and more about bringing Him the glory. Then, you might not even notice, that one day He gives you an opportunity to do something that reaches more people than you ever imagined. And you will be ready.


The Miracle on Ice story is unforgettable. But it pales in comparison to the story of God’s meekest child who lives in reverent obedience to Him, even in the greatest obscurity. Live a remarkable life by following and serving Him where ever you are, and you will marvel at what He can accomplish thru you.


Go ahead and take the plunge, life is always better on the water!

Want to thrive? Serve!

Joseph Castaneda

Sometimes when you blog, you sit down and think you have a brilliant piece that will change the landscape of human history. Other times you are just hoping you don’t sound like a total dolt! Most of the time you are trying to express some profound idea you had in the flicker of a moment between prepping for work and figuring out what you’re going to do for lunch. And still other times, your 16-year-old son gives you all the material you need.


AJ and I are reading through the Bible in a year. We are using the YouVersion Bible app to track our progress and record our comments. A few weeks ago we were reading Mark 10 and we came across these words of Jesus: “Not so with you, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”


I love my son’s comments about servanthood:


“The concept for humans to become servants is such a hard thing to grasp. Servitude has never been seen as a good thing, but Jesus said that in order to be first we must be last. We have to become servants to thrive.”


What a great statement: if we want to thrive we must learn to serve!


On the night He was betrayed, Jesus set the bar high by setting an example that we might follow. After dinner, He took off his coat and wrapped a towel around His waist while He washed the feet of His disciples. Why? Because they had nasty dirty feet? For sure! But even more, listen to what He says: “‘Do you understand what I have done for you? You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done…now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them’” (John 13:12-17).


“The concept for humans to become servants is such a hard thing to grasp...[but] we have to become servants to thrive.”
— AJ Castaneda

I think my son summed up the words of Jesus, well. If you want to thrive in this life, learn to serve others first. This life isn’t about you, and it’s certainly not about me. This life is about our Savior, and the greatest thing you can do with your life is to use it to serve Him by serving others. If you want to experience the greatest blessing of knowing God, then spend your life in service!

Leaf raking.jpeg

Serve God today, by serving the people He has placed in your path. Make a plan to serve that overbearing boss or annoying co-worker. Be intentional about serving your husband or wife or those very ungrateful children that can’t seem to find the dishwasher with their dirty dishes. Serve your pastor or the difficult sheep in your congregation. Serve your mail carrier or garbage collector with a gift of appreciation. Serve your employees with joy or serve that snobbish customer with grace and a smile despite their unreasonable demands. Serve the homeless man holding a sign on the corner or serve the gazillionaire who seems above it all. Whatever you do today, serve.


And as you make service your mantra, your way of life, you will begin to experience the blessing that Jesus spoke about in Mark 10, and you will thrive!


Go ahead and take the plunge, life is better on the water!

3 thoughts about giving thanks

Joseph Castaneda

Now that we’ve come through the Thanksgiving weekend, I wanted to share some thoughts about how to create a habit of thankfulness that will last beyond the turkey and gravy we enjoy with our friends and family on the 4th Thursday of November. Since 1 Thessalonians 5:18 informs us that thankfulness is part of God’s will for our lives, we would all be wise to invest time in expressing our thanks for more often. Here are three thoughts about how to make that happen:

We had much to be thankful for around the Castañeda Thanksgiving table this year!

We had much to be thankful for around the Castañeda Thanksgiving table this year!


  1. Thankfulness is bigger than the circumstances you face. In the verse mentioned above, Paul writes, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for your life.” (It should be noted that prayer, v. 17, and joy, v. 16, are also included as part of God’s will.) You don’t have to do too much study to understand that God expects His children to be thankful, regardless of the circumstances that confront us. In other words, thankfulness isn’t simply a feeling we express, or an emotion we experience, but rather an attitude and habit we develop. You don’t have to feel thankful, in order to be thankful.
  2. Thankfulness flows easiest, when our God is worshipped. Hebrews 12:28 reminds us of the eternal nature of our future home with God, and out of that reminder comes two commands: be thankful and worship God. There is an unmistakable connection between worship (putting God in his rightful place in our lives) and thankfulness, and when God is elevated properly, thankfulness flows easily. After all, when we recognize the greatness of God, our circumstances don’t seem so daunting, and our capacity to utter thanksgiving is expanded. If you are in a personal relationship with God, you already have so much for which to be grateful!
  3. Prayer and thankfulness are closely related. I think it was Spurgeon who once said, “If prayer and joy were wed, their first child would be thankfulness.” When we read about thankfulness in the Bible, we can’t help but see the intimate connection it has to prayer. In 7 of Paul’s letters in the New Testament, he begins by expressing thankfulness through prayer for the people to whom he is writing. Philippians 4:6 may be the clearest on this concept: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Where there is much prayer, there is much thanksgiving!


How are you doing in developing a habit of thankfulness? If you’re struggling, if you’re circumstances have become bigger than your God, you might consider evaluating who or what it is you worship, or maybe you need to get on your knees and spend more time in prayer. You see, in worship, we elevate God by ascribing to Him what is already His; we remind ourselves that He is God over everything! In Prayer, we commit ourselves to trusting Him, and to believing that His plan is best and right, and that our desire is to follow Him, not change Him. In either case, both worship and prayer give us perspective, and when we have the right perspective, we will find countless reasons to give thanks.


Yes, it’s easy to be thankful when things are going well and life is “easy.” But God’s children are called to be thankful “in all circumstances” and that requires more than just will power; it requires a perspective that comes from being intimately connected to God. Deepen your worship and prayer, and I’m confident you will increase your ability to give thanks.


Go ahead and take the plunge, life is better on the water (and there is much for which we can be thankful!)

Be like this rose bush

Joseph Castaneda

Last month I did some speaking and support raising out in Oregon, and had the opportunity to see my family for a week while doing so. For a few nights, I stayed with my parents and on one beautiful afternoon, my mom and I explored her green thumb handiwork around the yard. My special gardening skill is that the moment I plant something, it begins to die. My mom’s special gardening skill is that she could plant a rock and boulder would grow up through the yard. And it would be pretty, too. It’s quite impressive.


As we walked around the outside of the house, she showed me her impressive creeping gourds that were climbing all over the front fence. We found a few strawberries, too, (which in October in the Oregon is quite impressive by itself!) and handful of other blooming flowers. We walked around back and saw something else (pumpkins?) growing out of the earth, but then we made a little stop by the front fence at a plant that really caught my attention.

This rose bush is a California transplant, that made it's way to Oregon back in 2001

This rose bush is a California transplant, that made it's way to Oregon back in 2001


Ok, truth-be-told, it didn’t catch my attention, it’s what my mom said about this plant that caught my attention. After all, the plant was beautiful but it was just a rose bush. You’ve seen them before, or maybe you’ve received the product of a rose bush as a gift from your spouse or boyfriend, or maybe you’ve smelled them walking through the park. Regardless, if you had seen this bush on that day, you might have admired it’s beauty but then moved on to other plants growing throughout my mom’s yard.


What stopped me was the story behind this bush: It’s a transplant from a rose bush that used to live in Oakland California. When my grandfather passed away in 2001, he had a number of plants and trees growing on his little parcel of inner city concrete. One of them was this rosebush, and one of my uncles carefully dug up the plant, cut off shoots for each of the siblings, and that’s how my mom and dad (it was my dad’s father that had passed) ended up with this particular plant.


I don’t know how long that plant had grown in Oakland, but it’s been living the last 16 years in a little side yard in Oregon, continuing it’s tradition of producing beautiful flowers each and every year. To my knowledge, none of the other siblings had much success with their shoots, but to their credit, they didn’t have my mom’s green thumb super power, either.


My mom and I talked a bit about the plant, and later I actually wrote a few things down and started thinking about this blog post. I now realize that one of my life goals is to be like this plant. That’s right, I’m trying to live like a transplanted flower. Here are three lessons I’m taking away from this bush’s story:


Be tough. This bush didn’t get to pick whether or not it got to stay in my grandpa’s yard. It didn’t get any input into whether or not it would get chopped up into five different plants and then sent nearly 700 miles away to be replanted. To my knowledge, my uncle didn’t consult with the plant about what was best for it, instead, he gently hacked it and gave my aunt’s and uncles and parents a chance to keep a part of my grandpa’s home with them.


In the same way, each of us experiences hardships in life of which we have so little control. (Don’t get me wrong, all of us cause plenty of grief in our own lives, but legitimately, things happen that lie far outside our control!) Maybe you were driving home, obeying the laws, even keeping space between you and vehicle in front of you when an out-of-control driver coming the other direction caused a serious accident. You didn’t deserve that. You didn’t cause it. And yet you have to live with the consequences of someone else’s actions. Have you contracted someone else’s cold because they showed up to work when they should have called in sick? You ever been cheated by an employee? You ever have something stolen out of your car or back pocket? You ever falsely accused of something?


We all face difficult circumstances in life, and often things that are outside of our desire or control, but each of those experiences gives us the opportunity to learn to develop toughness. You cannot control everything that happens to you in a day, but you can control how you respond. My friend Doug calls it grit: that ability to respond right even when it feels like everything/everyone is against you.


I believe toughness comes from the belief that this life isn’t all that we have, and that through Jesus we have hope that gets us through today and prepares us for tomorrow. The writer of Hebrews says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). This hope gives us toughness to endure today’s storms while waiting for tomorrow’s sunshine.


Be fruitful. I love that my mom’s plant continues to produce flowers, season after season, year after year. In the same way, God wants you and I to be fruitful in every aspect of our lives. In fact, in John 15 when Jesus talks about this very issue of fruitfulness, He says the Father cuts and prunes us for one reason: to make us more fruitful! The difficult seasons of life, the good seasons of life, the painful seasons of life, the joyful seasons of life all have one ultimate goal: to make our lives more fruitful for God’s glory!


And how do we maintain our fruitfulness? According to verses 5, 9 and 10, we are fruitful when we remain in God’s love and we remain in God’s love when we live in obedience to God. So our obedience is at the heart of our love and fruitfulness. In other words, no matter what you’re going through, no matter how difficult the circumstances, keep true to God and you will continue to be fruitful.


Be beautiful. Not only is this plant fruitful, but it is beautiful. Obviously, I’m not much of a plant guy (understatement!) but I did a double take at this rose bush’s beautiful flowers and admired them enough to snap a pic. Despite that massive life-altering experience this perennial Rosaceae endured, it continues to be a bright spot for people who pass by, for the gardener who grooms it and for the God who created it!


Be beautiful to the world around you, and show them the love of Christ from the way you live. In Matthew 5 Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Whether that “other” is a godly spouse or a distant stepchild, an unbearable boss or a pleasant co-worker, a lousy neighbor or an elderly shut-in, be beautiful to the people around you so that they see your Jesus.


What do you need to work on this week? Does your toughness need to grow? Do you need to renew your commitment to fruitful obedience? Has your beauty been tainted by your difficult circumstances?


Go ahead and take the plunge, life— and your toughness, fruit and beauty—is better on the water!